We treat a range of skin lesions. The first step is proper diagnosis so a Doctor Consultation is required. We may choose one of a number of options. Sometimes a biospy will be required to confirm the diagnosis. The procedures are carried out under local anaesthesia and are very well toleratd with excellent results.
- Skin tags
- Lumps and bumps
- Cysts
- Lipoma
- Sebaceous hyperplasia
- Syringoma
- Scalp cysts
- Pigmented & nonpigmented moles
- Seborrhoic keratosis
- Xanthelasma
Video of skin tag removal with CO2 laser
We prefer to use CO2 laser for surgery in most instances. Laser is a precision tool and results in a much better and smaller scar than conventional minor surgery or cryotherapy. In most instances the scar is barely perceptible.